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Prayer Wall

“All this are possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23

We invite you to post your prayer requests here so we can intercede for one another. When God answers your prayer, let us know so we can see and celebrate God’s faithfulness together!

If your request is confidential, you can submit it here and mark it as such, and it will not be shared publicly on the Prayer Wall.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.

erica kirk

Please Pray for Lukas, one of our Pulse students. I received this request from his mama:

“Not sure whats going on with him. He has been running a fever since Christmas day, got over 105 last week. Having horrific nose bleeds that last over an hour. Has had 4 in last 24 hours. If he clogs his nose it come out his mouth, if he clogs one nostril it comes out the other. He is very pale, week and dizzy.”

She said the doctors are stumped.

Please pray for supernatural healing for Lukas. And wisdom for his caregivers.

Received: January 13, 2022